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Brandie Johnston's Profile


Brandie Johnston

Brandie Johnston

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About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from Fouke High School in 1994

I attended Texarkana College and Texas A&M University-Texarkana where I received my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education (EC-6th grade generalist) 

Current Position:

I have been teaching at Fouke Schools for six years. I spent my first four years teaching 6th Grade Literacy at Paulette Smith Middle School. I then transitioned over to Fouke Elementary and taught 4th Grade Literacy for one year. I am now currently teaching 2nd Grade. 

Family Information:

Welcome to my classroom! My name is Brandie Johnston. I have been married to my husband, Jason, for 17 years. We share five children; Colton, Tanner, Kayla, Austin, and Jaycie. All but Jaycie have graduated from Fouke High School. I  also have two granddaughters, Avrie and Raylie. As you can see, life is NEVER boring around my house! 

I am blessed to teach at the school that built me and made me the person that I am today. I graduated from Fouke High School in 1994. This will be my sixth year to teach at Fouke Schools. 

Personal Information:

When I am not teaching, I love spending time with family and friends! We love to have family gatherings and boil crawfish, go fishing, and just slow down and enjoy life. 

Contact Brandie Johnston

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Brandie Johnston

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